Peter Stocker
Personally. Focused.
Dr. iur., University of Basel
Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
Insead: International Executive Programme Fontainebleau/Singapore

About us.
Stocker Tax & Legal offers you personal and independent tax and legal advice from a single source.
My interest in the tax and legal optimization of the interface between private individuals and companies began when I was writing my dissertation on the subject of “The tax distinction between self-employment and private asset management.” Since then, in my more than 30 years of advisory work, I have focused on optimizing the income and assets of my private and business clients, legally protecting their assets and other interests, and facilitating a smooth and conflict-free transfer of their assets to (corporate) successors or heirs.
A tax-exempt charitable foundation is a succession and tax planning tool frequently used by wealthy families and private individuals. I provide families and private individuals with professional and comprehensive support in defining and implementing their philanthropy strategy.
Another focus of my consulting activities is to enable my clients to move to Switzerland in an optimized and legally compliant way.
My advice also benefits from my many years of experience as a member of boards of directors of operating companies, as a member of boards of trustees of charitable foundations and as a protector of common law trusts.
I have access to a qualified national and international network to help solve problems outside of my own core competencies.
I look forward to meeting you in person.
Peter Stocker
+41 79 787 73 10
International Fiscal Association (IFA), Swiss Branch
Swiss Financial Planners Organization, SFPO
Insead Alumni Organization
Employment history.
Founder and owner of Stocker Tax & Legal, Zurich
Marcuard Family Office, Zurich: Senior Partner, Tax, Legal & Compliance
Marcuard Family Office, Zurich: Managing Partner, Head of Tax Legal Compliance
Bank Vontobel (Liechtenstein), Vaduz: Director, Member of the Executive Committee
Bank Vontobel, Zurich: Head of Financial Planning (tax, estate planning, pension planning)
Deloitte & Touche, Zurich
Swiss Trust Company, Zurich
Ongoing further training and education through practicing complex consulting activities, holding specialist lectures, writing specialist articles and attending specialist seminars.
1999: International Executive Program, Insead Fontainebleau/Singapore
1999: Certified Financial Planner, CFP
1993: Doctor of laws (Dr. iur.), University of Basel
1989: Licentiate law degree (Lic. iur.), University of Basel